Meet the founder

Marcus G. Vilmé, Mentality Shifting Coach

A Haitian-American born in Boston, MA, who uses his experiences in fitness, nutrition, and wellness to shift individuals' mentalities away from a survival mindset so that they feel confident to fight every day toward a peaceful enlightened future.

Certified with (Others not listed)

Deep connection to

Track & Field

As someone involved in a variety of sports, Track & Field created a foundation for understanding more of his body's capabilities and neuromuscular connection.

Yearning for


Having the only available resource to workout; his body, he embarked on a journey to become an expert in improving strength, power, agility, mobility, flexibility, and neuroplasticity within himself and others.

Growth started


Through not having a high level of focus on internal growth consistently, the founder was in a cycle of taking on too many things and serving others before himself since his childhood. He suffered physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ailments that caused him to be depressed for quite some time. After he shifted his mentality towards growth and healing in 2018, he was then able to invite fresh energy.

There's stuff

To Do

To improve ourselves be it changing our environment, habits, or interactions, it is best to challenge our current frame of mind. It is his goal as a mentality-shifting coach to never give up on you and be your guide to shifting your mentality to your peaceful enlightened future!

Services offered

Marcus G Vilme at Exos at Google Performance mentorship phase 2

Personal Training


Membership-Based Fitness Programs


Animal Flow With Guru Cu


Raw Functional Training ( RFT®)


Nutritional Guidance


Wellness Transformation




“Through the training, not only was I being motivated to soar higher but I was pushing myself in and outside the training. I was able to use the time to highlight strengths that I have recognized before and other strengths that training brought attention to. It was also a great vibe, great music, and great energy and never lacked it for one second.”

Owin Farrell
CEO of Soca Lion Entertainment

“Entering my workout with Marcus I was excited yet curious. During our workouts, we were engaged in deep talks regarding the state of our lives, the mentality that matured through trial and error and so much more. Working out and engaging one another and learning a new perspective or a new mindset is invaluable.”

Matthew Vilmé
Boston, MA

“Marcus is eternally playing life in a game of chess, responding swiftly and deliberately. The thing is that, what we don't see is that Marcus is always playing at least thirty games of chess, each with different goals, for himself or others, in mind. With every checkmate, a new goal is completed. The pieces are set u again but also two more games are started.”

Michael Smitelli
Freeville, NY

“Marcus does a great job of walking us through the rationale behind different exercises, stretches, and conditioning, and focus on form, has truly taught me "how to fish. This has resulted in my building sustainable, healthy habits.”

Sahil Joshi
Analytical Lead, Pure Play Retail • Global Business