Meet the founder
Marcus G. Vilmé, Mentality Shifting Coach
A Haitian-American born in Boston, MA, who uses his experiences in fitness, nutrition, and wellness to shift individuals' mentalities away from a survival mindset so that they feel confident to fight every day toward a peaceful enlightened future.

Certified with (Others not listed)
Track & Field
As someone involved in a variety of sports, Track & Field created a foundation for understanding more of his body's capabilities and neuromuscular connection.

Having the only available resource to workout; his body, he embarked on a journey to become an expert in improving strength, power, agility, mobility, flexibility, and neuroplasticity within himself and others.
Through not having a high level of focus on internal growth consistently, the founder was in a cycle of taking on too many things and serving others before himself since his childhood. He suffered physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ailments that caused him to be depressed for quite some time. After he shifted his mentality towards growth and healing in 2018, he was then able to invite fresh energy.

To Do
To improve ourselves be it changing our environment, habits, or interactions, it is best to challenge our current frame of mind. It is his goal as a mentality-shifting coach to never give up on you and be your guide to shifting your mentality to your peaceful enlightened future!