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I am always amazed at how Marcus can lead a session made up of very fit folks and those who are on their way to becoming fit. He challenges the more seasoned group and encourages/motivates those who need a little push. I am extremely appreciative that Google has this amazing gym and programs.

Kieran English

In addition to movement variety and a positive environment, what was really great was that Marcus kept track of our lifts and (safely) pushed us to go up. I went up on several core lifts (squats, deadlifts, glute bridges) that I didn't realize I was able to.

Dan Phillips

Marcus does an exceptional job at catering to each individuals needs, even in a group setting. He makes a point of addressing each person's strengths and  weaknesses to ensure that they are being challenged while also remaining safe. Unfortunately, I was unable to convince him to move across the country with me or he would definitely still be kicking my butt every day.

Ben Shaw

Marcus is a phenomenal trainer who runs excellent sessions. I went to his sessions three times a week and was still frequently encountering new exercises and training plans as Marcus constantly refined the program. He was great at reading the room and tailoring the difficulty to the people in attendance, often providing easier and harder versions of the exercises accordingly to address each person's individual needs.

John Compitello

Marcus' coaching style encourages me to push myself without being intimidated (or risking injury). Going to his sessions let me shut my mind off and get a better workout than I could motivate myself to do on my own. Also love the breathwork at the end! I left feeling refreshed and energized!

Emily Babbitt